In Studio and In Style Family Portraits

family portraits in the studio

This family has been blessed with a beauty gene! And not just on the outside, they are as lovely to be around as they are to look at. They were so sweet and so much fun to photograph!

When they arrived mom was worried this was not going to go well - typical trepidation: did they look good, were they coordinated, would the kids cooperate? None of these were issues, and we were able to deliver some fantastic portraits thanks to the work she put in before the shoot even began.

Planning Photos That Fit Their Home Decor

During their consultation we discussed what type of clothing would look best but also how the family planned on displaying their portraits. We were shown where the art was going to be hung, and discussed how their wardrobe choice could complement the decor. It was decided blue would be best as it matched several accent pieces in the house. And neutrals would make it easy to match the changing decor over the years.

Wondering how to coordinate for your portrait session? Check out our style guide for family photos!

During their pre-consultation, we all agreed a studio session, as opposed to a location shoot, fit their personality and their home decor best.

Getting Kids Comfortable With Studio Portraits

As for the kids? They really let their personalities come through. That's not always easy but I think that because we were able to keep the shoot relaxed it allowed them to feel at ease. We try to avoid forced smiles and interaction, we want everyone to be comfortable and natural, to allow those moments to arise organically. From little sister showing her sassy side to little brother being a well composed little mister, these kiddos were a real blast to work with.

girl posing for family portraits
boy posing on couch for family photos

As we were wrapping up in the studio, mom had expressed that it had been way too long since they had their portraits taken. We know how difficult it can be to rally all the kids together for a session and we were so honored to be able to document this moment in their life.

Check out more photos from this shoot in our gallery!